Sabtu, 28 September 2024


20.56 By Inspiration Hunter

                       APLICATION OF  GEOGRAFICAL INFORMATION  SYSTEM                       
(by name by address by ficture by map)
By: Awaluddin Darwis,S.Kel

Providing data based on principle of" by Name by Address" as answer of problem of social gap and economic jelousity on Sebatik District. Data of social and economic as reference for determining government policy to eliminate  rate of poornes.  Unaccurate data bring about wrong policy; the wrong policy become new social discourse. Program of raskin distribution (raskin; beras miskin) may trigger conflict  than eliminating social gap, caused the data of RTS (Rumah Tangga Sasaran;Targetted House Hold) contradictif with real condition. The principle of " by name by address" need initiation by new principles of " by map and by ficture". Providing data with new principles through Geografical Information System and taking fictures of houses of targetted house hold (read; RTS) on Sebatik District. GIS produces tematical map of house position of RTS (data in geographic coordinate); for supporting GIS uses quickbird satelite data as secondary data and based on ground check as primary data, both of data explorated by arcgis program. Fictures of  house may describe rate of individual economic, althought subjectively according to several opinions but it is enough for describing the rate of poorness on sebatik district. There are 1.017 houses and facilities on Sebatik District; 126 on Padaidi, 157 on Sungai manurung, 545 on Tanjung Karang, 189 on Balansiku have been identified live in different rate of economic; almost live in the middle economic and others  live in poorness. About 77,5  percent of Sebatik society work as farmer, other as fishermen (15,7 percent), intreprenuer (3,8 percent) and government sector (3,0 percent). This  project also provides data of rice field width, fish pond width and abrasion of coast line as another problem in sebatik district, rice field widht on Sungai Manurung about; 44,56 ha, on Tanjung Karang about; 7,12 ha, Balansiku about; 62,07 ha, fish pond widht on Sungai Manurung about; 0,49 Ha, Tanjung Karang; 2,32 Ha, Balansiku; 14,60 Ha, many of land function exchange to be palm area. Abrasion have been occuring along coast lines fromTanjung Aru (East Sebatik), Padaidi, Sungai manurung untill Tanjung Karang reach about 5 metre to 30 metre begin 15  years ago untill now. Finally we hope this report becomes refecence for user in identifying social and economic problems in sebatik district. 


Anonim mengatakan...

you have talent to be famous writer and journalis